An eclectic blog about writing, philosophy, religion, and many other topics! There should be a topic around for just about everyone over time.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
The Problem with -isms
Thursday, November 14, 2013
NaNo in 1 Week? Holy Mackeral!
Once I finished my novel I hit the "week 2 blahs" pretty hard. Trying to stretch my novel to 75,000 when it just wasn't going to make it really took a lot out of me. In fact, I sort of hit a mini-depression sort of feeling for a few days. However, I decided (with the invaluable encouragement and support of my fellow Over Achiever WriMo's) to move on to another story. So, after completing a short fanfiction Harry Potter crossover with Alice in Wonderland, I decided to start working on the sequel of my first novel.
At this point I'm at just over 15k for that novel and the story is just now really starting to unfold in my mind. I do not outline, so up until this point I only had vague ideas about where I wanted things to go. Now, however, I'm considering simply tacking on this "novel" as a second part of the first book and making it all one big piece. Something like Tolkien's 6 books in 3 novels scheme might suit this book. I'm not sure whether there will be a third portion, or if the story will be all over at the end of this one, but I can't wait to find out.
It's funny how readily my mind slipped back into the world of that series, though. The only difficulty I had at the beginning really was the normal "pantsing" problem of getting into the character's voice and getting the story to flow. Now, though, things are coming along just fine.
With a total word count quickly approaching 90k I am impressed by my own fortitude. I expected to burnout sometime last week, but somehow I managed to push through week 2 and now I'm looking at week 3 with no intentions of slowing.
Shout out to all my Over Achiever friends! Write all the words!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Day Three!
A 50k completion around the 11th and a total word count topping at over 125k. That makes me feel much better. Shoot, if I can overachieve by that much I'll be ecstatic. I really had to muscle through my first novel's last ten thousand words or so. Its a good feeling to have one novel under my belt. This badass novelist just has to replicate the results +2 or 3 points.
Even if I only meet my goal of 60,000 by the 30th I'll be happy. That's +8k my final total for "Fool's Gold." In fact, at this pace I may end up doing a second book this month after all. I said I'd spend the end of the month editing and rewriting Fool's Gold...but I don't know. People are pushing me in the Overachiever's threads on the NaNo site.
In any case, I am still having fun writing this SciFi book. The Captain is a crossdesser after he snapped and went bonkers. The female main character is kickass, and the Russo-American Pirate speak is really working. Haha.
Writer's Tip: If writing about pirates or those that speak like pirates Alestorm or other Pirate metal really helps.
In any case, good luck to all the WriMos! Keep it up comrades!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
OK folks, we're just over a day away from November 1st now. That means that we all need to polish off our prep work, get some good rest, and eat hearty! Here there be monsters! Abandon all hope ye who enter here. Still, chins up, dead men tell no tales!
Sorry, I think SpaceEx patois is bleeding into my everyday writing. Since I switched to SciFi I developed the cultures of 50 years from now. SpaceEx are cosmic sailors stationed on spacecraft and satellites. Their dialect is a cross between Russian, English, Victorian "pirate" speak, and tiny bits of Japanese. So, in prepping I've had a hearty dose of pirate lingo me buckos!
In any event, I'm looking forward to the joy and the agony of writing a novel in under 30 days once more. I plan to take a more sane pace this time, but who knows how that'll work out. Any WriMos reading this? If so drop me a line! I'm Lykeios on the NaNoWriMo site if you prefer there.
I wish you all a wonderful Hallowe'en and happy writing! Good luck to ya!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Well, I'm back
So, I've been neglecting my written blog in favor of my Vlog on another account. I suppose its time to come back to the world of writing. Still, multimedia is great stuff! I love it when authors and other artists take the effort and time to make their work a multimedia explosion of goodness rather than just one medium. Don't get me wrong, operating in one specialized medium is still great! I just like being immersed in the art that I take in sometimes so its cool to see different forms of the same stuff.
In any event, I'm back and I'm having a dilemma. There are two plots/ideas buzzing around inside my skull for my first NaNoWriMo novel in November. Its coming down to the wire here with November about a week away, so I need to make a decision. Anyone with an idea or suggestion please comment!
OK, so I was going to do my novel in the fantasy world I've been building for almost 10 years. I've designed a new nation, culture, and even their language as part of the planning process for the book. However, just yesterday I had a flash of inspiration for a wicked badass SciFi plot. So, my question is this:
Which idea should I go with? The primitive rainforest dwelling tribes being invaded and annexed by the Empire in a High Fantasy medeival sort of environment? Or the futuristic SciFi novel where we've all nearly become cyborgs and there are only three massive empires to serve as political bodies in the world? OR, the dangerous option, BOTH?
Now, I'm already going back-to-back with novels in October and November. I also feel like I might be gearing up for 6 back-to-back month novels, possibly even a whole year of books. Still, my first book was done in 10 days! So its entirely plausible I could complete two novels in a month. What do you all think?
I have a sneaking suspicion I'll end up doing both, but I'm unsure. I did say I'd take my second novel at a more sane pace to try and get it really right. This new plot is just so delicious though.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Its Almost Here
Well, with NaNoWriMo just around the corner I'm trying very hard to be a good little busy bee. Unfortunately, like The best lazy bees I've been distracted. Other things, work, sleep, TV ans a few other unnecessary things have been filling my days.
I had a wonderful weekend with my fiancée, Sammi, though! It was marvelous! Had a lot of fun just relaxing and having a good time together. I miss her often and we aren't very stable when it comes to money at the moment, so any time we get together is great! I love you Sammi! ^_^
Now, however, as yet another week begins, it is time to continue my Nano planning! Conlanging and world crafting here I am! Come steal me away into my own fictional world! I think most of the cultures I want in my NaNoWriMo novel are fairly fleshed out. It's characters and plot that I'll need to work on.
Hmm, maybe its time I finally give outlining and such a shot. We'll see! I will keep you posted and if I get any work done on that first novel's rewrite I'll do an update for that as well!
Thanks for stopping by! Have an unbelievable day!
In earnest,
Monday, October 14, 2013
Fool's Gold Prologue
Please share you comments and reviews if you have anything to say! I hope you enjoy and Happy Reading!
Note that this material is DEFINITELY not public domain. It is COPYRIGHT Adam King 2013. However, you may all share this excerpt as much as you like as long as you properly attribute it and maintain the copyright notice, please.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Personal Tips/Rules/Advice for Writing Fiction
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Ah, the Sweet Relief!
It's very rough and in a definite first draft form. Still, the moment I pecked out that last word I breathed in a deep sigh of relief. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast writing the book! Writing 52,332 words in ten days (most of that total in the last four days) can really take it out of you though! I'm glad it's all on (digital) paper now. I can relax now and just wait.
I'm still planning on doing the official NaNoWriMo in November. Next time, though, I think I'll pace myself a little better. I am proud of myself for cranking out those 119 pages in less than two weeks, but geez is it tiring. A more sane pacing, I think, is necessary for the next novel.
The next agonizing part about my first novel, though, is waiting for the rewrite. I want to set it aside for a good solid month or so before I touch it again. Stephen King recommends putting one's work in a drawer and forgetting about it for a while to move onto new things in his book On Writing and I find this to be sound advice. It allows one to get fresh eyes on it and be brutally merciless in the rewrite. When the book/story is so fresh out of one's mind it still feels like one's child. If you abandon it to the dust bunnies in your bottom drawer then come back to it weeks or months later there is less of an affectionate feeling there. I can see that.
Still, I'm a very impatient person, so if I'm back in a few days talking about rewriting don't be shocked. It's a character defect, I know, I'm working on it among others! At least I didn't procrastinate with the novel. It felt good to pound it out so furiously. It was almost like that feeling you get after vomiting profusely where everything feels so much better and there's that relief. Or when you poke yourself repeatedly with a thumbtack because it feels so good when you stop. It's cathartic.
One thing that really started to spook me as I got further in the book was this:
I didn't feel like I was writing it. It felt as though the characters had actually come to life and begun to tell their story their way. When I wrote the novel I was barely present. I was just moving my fingers and the words came from someone else reading it to me straight from their own fictional memories. That blew me away. I'd never had that feeling before. It felt simultaneously very cool and very frightening! It's one of those out-of-control feelings where you don't feel like you have any say in what happens. Disconcerting to say the least.
Still, I think it makes the world all that much more real. Someone told me when I explained this sensation "It's your book, but it's their world." That about summed it up for me. It's exactly like that. The characters demanded that the story be told the way it was told. My fingers on the keys just followed their instructions. The weirdest thing was how quickly I could phase in and out of that mindset. I'd be completely immersed in my own novel for an hour then in a flash be texting my fiancee and have no trouble going right back to the novel a moment later. Like I said, really cool and really spooky.
Anyway, I'll be back to post an excerpt soon! Keep your eyeballs peeled! (This assumes people are actually reading this bullshit, lol.)
In Earnest,
-Adam - AKA Lykeios -
Monday, October 7, 2013
Nearly Halfway Done
I'm now about 22,000 words into my first novel. I've been trying to write at least a few thousand words each day but missed a couple days. Its really too bad because I could be a lot farther along. Still, I guess its good not to rush things.
Two of the days I didn't get any writing in were awesome in other ways. I got to stay with my fiancee at her house. Her parents were out of town as well as her sister and brother-in-law. It was fun as all hell. Her sister dropped her kids off on Saturday for Sammi to watch them. I was there too so I got to help her (some) babysit them. We had a great weekend. Unfortunately I had to work most of the time and was so tired I slept through a lot of the time we had, but it was great anyway.
Now, though, its back to writing every day! I have almost an entire week off from week which means that only school will get in the way of this novel being finished. My goal is now to have it completely finished by next Tuesday. Well, to have 50,000 words by then at least. The NaNoWriMo requirement for word count is a little low for a novel really. My book might go longer. In fact, I'm almost certain it will, the climax still hasn't been reached and that's usually around the middle of the book. I just hope the first 20,000 words aren't hopelessly dull. Its mostly introduction as this is likely going to wind up being a series. I just can't see this being finished in one book. Well, unless its a very long book. While I enjoy monstrous tomes like Stephen King's The Stand not everyone does so I'm trying to keep it to around 60,000 words or less.
In any case, I'm overjoyed to be writing again! My "hiatus" so to speak was far too long. I'd forgotten how great it feels to just make shit up and call it fiction. I can't wait to see what happens next myself every day. Sure, there are some vague plans buzzing around my skull, but nothing is set in stone. Even when I write it its subject to change during the rewrite later on. So, we'll see. When I'm over halfway done officially I may post an excerpt from the first few pages so keep your eyeballs peeled!
In Earnest,
Adam King - AKA Lykeios
P.S. To all my fellow NaNoWriMoers: Good luck with your books! Just keep writing! Even if it sucks, keep writing!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Into the Void
The idea was rattling around in my head so much I just had to open a Word doc and start. Man did it flow! It felt good too. After such a long break from writing anything new it was like coming home again. I was more ready than I thought. All it takes is a good idea I guess. I'm at almost 5,000 words and paused for now. I was hoping to reach 5,000 so I may take one more trip into novel-world before the day is officially over.
I titled this post the way I did for a reason. The way I write, it really is like throwing yourself into some chasm with no visible bottom. You dive in and you don't reach the bottom and head back up to surface until you're completely done with what you went in for. Or until you're genuinely suffocating. That's called failure though, and I don't want to talk about that just now.
So, I'm in the void now. Its coming along so far. The inspiration is all there at my fingertips. I can feel the creativity flowing. We'll see how I feel in a week or so, but I can't see how I'll be unable to write less than half of what I did earlier every day from now on. My pacing is fast because I read in No Plot? No Problem! that the second week is the hardest. I want to get ahead early so if I do hit that wall, the caffeine and cojones will get me through.
For now, though, its all flowing. Here's to the present, its all we have!
In Earnest,
- Adam King -
Thursday, September 26, 2013
So, I'm sitting in my Information Systems (basic) Networking class and I'm bored. We're covering things I taught myself a few years back. Still, I guess its important to be somewhat present, I mean, that's what networks are all about. If a host isn't connected, it can't reap the benefits of being jacked into the network.
This is a parallel with human interactions. Much has been said of the similarities between the brain and a computer over the years. I agree with this analysis. Connecting with other human beings is networking and its more similar to computer networking than many people realize. A group conversation is like a token-ring, star, bus, or other network style. We sit in a circle and have a conversation, generally speaking, two people cannot speak to the same person at exactly the same time and expect a correct response. This is like data collision in a network.
We have to be "logged in" to truly experience life. Sure, sometimes its nice to disconnect and refresh oneself as an individual. To be completely fulfilled as a human being, however, we must take part in social interactions.
So, think of yourself as a computer on an ethernet connection. Make sure you're plugged in!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Trying to stretch my creative muscles
Sunday, September 22, 2013
A (Not So) Triumphant Return
Its partly to do with the fact that people don't seem too interested in the piece. I won't lie and say I wasn't looking forward to that royalty check, but I think that its more than that. Perhaps my creative powers want to flow and they weren't satisfied with simply compiling the works into a (semi-)coherent whole. Yes, people that have read it so far, those happy few, have said they enjoy it, but I'm still a bit down in the dumps about it. I find myself looking forward to my next project, something I haven't felt in a long time.
I've committed (somewhat tentatively so far) to participating in NaNoWriMo 2013 this November. For those of you who do not know, this is National Novel Writing Month. It takes place every November and thousands of authors, both amateur and professional, accept the ambitious challenge. The challenge is to write at least 50,000 words in the thirty days from the first of November to the thirtieth. This is, to be sure, an epic challenge considering I have yet to finish a novel. I'm hoping that the fast pace and challenging nature will push me through the hump to finally complete one. Another motivational factor should be the horrible embarrassment of failing after boasting of my commitment so far and wide on the blogosphere and social networking world.
Keep checking back for updates as the days click forward to November! For now, I'm working hard on preparing material for the pre-writing stage of my NaNoWriMo piece. Wish me luck!
In Earnest,
Adam King AKA Lykeios
P.S. If you want to take a look at my book its located here in the Amazon Kindle store and in paperback format: Fragments of Reality