Wednesday, October 30, 2013


OK folks, we're just over a day away from November 1st now. That means that we all need to polish off our prep work, get some good rest, and eat hearty! Here there be monsters! Abandon all hope ye who enter here. Still, chins up, dead men tell no tales!

Sorry, I think SpaceEx patois is bleeding into my everyday writing. Since I switched to SciFi I developed the cultures of 50 years from now. SpaceEx are cosmic sailors stationed on spacecraft and satellites. Their dialect is a cross between Russian, English, Victorian "pirate" speak, and tiny bits of Japanese. So, in prepping I've had a hearty dose of pirate lingo me buckos!

In any event, I'm looking forward to the joy and the agony of writing a novel in under 30 days once more. I plan to take a more sane pace this time, but who knows how that'll work out. Any WriMos reading this? If so drop me a line! I'm Lykeios on the NaNoWriMo site if you prefer there.

I wish you all a wonderful Hallowe'en and happy writing! Good luck to ya!

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